Day 2 of 14 Days of Automation: Automating Social Media Posts with AI and RSS Feeds

Hello everyone! Zac here with AI Automation Elite, and welcome to Day 2 of our 14 Days of Automation series. Today, we’re going to simplify your social media management by automating content creation and posting using AI and RSS feeds. If keeping your social media accounts active with fresh, relevant content feels like a chore, this automation is the solution you’ve been looking for.

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The Objective: Automate Social Media Posting with AI and RSS Feeds

In this guide, I’ll walk you through setting up an automation that pulls content from an RSS feed, summarizes it using GPT-4o-mini, and automatically posts it to your selected social media platforms. Whether you’re active on Facebook, LinkedIn, or both, this automation ensures your accounts stay updated with minimal effort.

Here’s what you’ll need:

  1. RSS Feed (we’ll use
  2. GPT-4o-mini API Token
  3. account (formerly Integromat)
  4. Blueprint JSON file (available in our AI Automation Elite classroom)

Why Automate Social Media Posts?

Consistency is crucial for growing your online presence, but manually posting every day can be tedious. With this automation, you can curate content from your favorite RSS feeds, tailor it for different platforms, and keep your audience engaged—all with just a few minutes of setup.

Step 1: Import the Blueprint

We start with a pre-built JSON blueprint that structures the entire workflow. If you’re part of our AI Automation Elite community, you can download this blueprint directly from the classroom. If you’re not a member yet, you can join us here for access to this and other valuable resources.

Once you have the blueprint, import it into The flow will scaffold out, showing you the various modules connected in sequence. Before saving, make sure everything is configured correctly to avoid errors.

Step 2: Set Up the RSS Feed

The next step is setting up an RSS feed relevant to your business. For this tutorial, I’m using, which provides a curated feed of AI-related articles. You can choose any topic that suits your audience.

Pro Tip:

Use multiple RSS feeds staggered throughout the day to ensure at least one fresh post goes out daily.

Step 3: Integrate GPT-4o-mini for Content Summarization

We’ll now integrate GPT-4o-mini to summarize the RSS feed content. This AI-driven model will generate customized posts for each social media platform.

Key Details:

  • Set the max token limit around 1,000 for a concise yet detailed summary.
  • Use a tailored prompt that guides GPT-4o-mini to produce content fitting your brand’s tone and style.

Step 4: Configure Social Media Posts

The blueprint includes two social media platforms: Facebook and LinkedIn. Each platform has a distinct content style, so the automation generates posts that are specific to each platform. The Facebook post is brief and engaging, while the LinkedIn post is more detailed and professional.

Platform Setup:

  • Facebook: Short, engaging content with a call to action.
  • LinkedIn: In-depth content that aligns with professional standards.

Step 5: Test and Refine

With everything connected, it’s time to test the automation. Run it once manually to see the results. If everything checks out, save and schedule the automation to run automatically. You can now enjoy regular, high-quality posts on your social media platforms with minimal ongoing effort.

Example Output:

  • Facebook Post: “Exciting news in AI! The latest advancements in digital storage are here. How do you feel about using AI for managing your documents? Let us know!”
  • LinkedIn Post: “Revolutionary developments in AI are changing the digital storage landscape. Discover how new platforms like FutureVault are leading the way.”

Extend and Customize

Your homework today is to tweak this automation to fit your specific business needs. Want to add another platform like Twitter or Instagram? No problem—just replicate the modules and adjust the content styles accordingly. You could also explore different RSS feeds to diversify the content you post.

Join the AI Automation Elite Community

Unlock the full potential of automation with our AI Automation Elite community! Get access to exclusive prompts, blueprints, and hundreds of automations, AI tools, LLMs, and more. Join us now at AI Automation Elite and take your automation skills to the next level!


That wraps up Day 2 of our automation series. We’ve set up an automated social media system that ensures you never miss a beat, delivering high-quality content to your followers effortlessly. Stick around for tomorrow’s session, where we’ll explore another exciting automation to boost your productivity. And if you haven’t already, make sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel for more automation tips and tricks.

#Automation #AI #SocialMedia #Marketing #Productivity