Day 3 of 14 Days of Automation: Streamlining Lead Management with Google Forms and GPT-4o-mini

Hello, I’m Zac, and welcome to Day 3 of our 14 Days of Automation series with AI Automation Elite. Today, we’re diving into an essential automation that can significantly improve your lead management process. By automating the collection, personalization, and follow-up of leads, you’ll save time and provide a better experience for your potential clients.

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The Goal: Automate Lead Management in 4 Steps

This automation covers four key components:

  1. Google Forms: Capture essential client information.
  2. GPT-4o-mini: Generate personalized, engaging email content.
  3. Gmail: Automatically send the customized email.
  4. Slack: Notify your team about new leads in real-time.

By the end of this tutorial, you’ll have a fully functional workflow that simplifies lead management and ensures no potential client slips through the cracks.

Step 1: Setting Up the Google Form

We start by creating a Google Form to gather client information. This form will automatically generate a Google Sheet to store the data, which we’ll use later in the automation. The form fields should include:

  • Name
  • Email
  • Services of Interest
  • Biggest Pain Point

After setting up the form, submit a test entry to ensure everything is functioning correctly.

Step 2: Integrating GPT-4o-mini for Email Creation

Next, we integrate GPT-4o-mini to automatically generate personalized emails based on the form responses. The model is prompted to act as a senior copywriter, producing professional and compelling content tailored to the client’s needs.

Key Details:

  • Set the token limit to around 1,000 to ensure a concise yet detailed email.
  • Customize the prompt to reflect your brand’s tone and specific requirements.

Step 3: Automating the Email with Gmail

Once the email content is ready, the next step is to automate its delivery using Gmail. If you’re using a standard Gmail account, you might need to complete an extra verification step. For Google Workspace users, the process is straightforward.


  • Recipient: The email address captured from the Google Form.
  • Subject: Something like “Thank you for contacting AI Automation Elite!”
  • Content: Generated by GPT-4o-mini based on the lead’s details.

Step 4: Notifying Your Team via Slack

Finally, to ensure you’re always informed, we’ll send a notification to Slack whenever a new lead submits the form. This notification will include the lead’s name, email, services of interest, and their biggest pain point, giving you quick access to crucial information.

Slack Setup:

  • Choose a channel where you want to receive these notifications.
  • Include key details to make the notification informative and actionable.

Testing and Final Adjustments

Now that everything is set up, it’s time to test the automation. Submit a test form entry and verify that the system generates and sends an email, as well as posts a notification to Slack. If everything works as expected, your lead management process is ready to go.

Extend and Customize

For today’s homework, think about how you can adapt this automation to suit your specific needs. Perhaps you want to integrate a CRM like HubSpot, or maybe you’d like to add additional steps like creating a Trello card for each lead. The possibilities are endless, so feel free to experiment and optimize.

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That concludes Day 3 of our automation journey. We’ve built a powerful workflow that will save you time and help ensure your leads are managed effectively. I hope you found this guide helpful, and I’m excited to continue building with you in Day 4. Don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel for more automation insights and tutorials.

#Automation #AI #LeadManagement #SalesAutomation #MarketingAutomation