Day 4 of 14 Days of Automation: Summarizing Emails with Webhooks and GPT-4o-mini

Hello, I’m Zac with AI Automation Elite, and welcome to Day 4 of our 14 Days of Automation series. Today’s automation combines several powerful tools—webhooks, GPT-4o-mini, Gmail, HTTP requests, and Google Docs—to create a real-time email summarization system. While the use case might be general, the techniques you’ll learn can be applied to numerous scenarios.

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The Objective: Real-Time Email Summarization

This automation will monitor your inbox for new emails, send them to GPT-4o-mini for summarization, and append the summaries to a Google Doc. The key benefit here is the real-time processing, ensuring you’re always up-to-date without waiting for scheduled triggers.

Here’s what we’ll cover:

  1. Webhooks: Trigger actions instantly upon receiving new data.
  2. GPT-4o-mini: Generate concise, actionable email summaries.
  3. Gmail: Monitor your inbox for new emails.
  4. Google Docs: Store the summarized content in an organized manner.

By the end of this tutorial, you’ll have a complete, adaptable workflow that can save you hours of manual email management.

Step 1: Setting Up the Google Doc

Start by creating a Google Doc where all email summaries will be stored. This document will serve as your central repository, listing email subjects, dates, summaries, actionable items, and suggested responses.


  • Create a new Google Doc in your preferred Google Drive folder.
  • Name it clearly, like “Email Summaries.”
  • Save it—there’s no need to add any content yet; the automation will handle that.

Step 2: Setting Up the Webhook

Next, set up a webhook that will receive the email data as soon as it arrives. This webhook is critical for real-time processing, allowing you to act on new emails immediately.


  1. Create a Webhook: In, select a custom webhook as your trigger. Name it something identifiable, like “Email Webhook.”
  2. Configure the Webhook URL: This is where Gmail will post new email data.
  3. HTTP Request: Set the HTTP request to “POST” and include the email subject, date, and body as parameters.

Step 3: Monitoring Gmail for New Emails

Now, configure Gmail to monitor your inbox for incoming emails and send them to your webhook.

Key Steps:

  • Connect Gmail: Ensure your Gmail account is linked to
  • Set the Trigger: Monitor either your entire inbox or specific labels.
  • HTTP Request: Post the email data to the webhook URL for immediate processing.

Step 4: Summarizing Emails with GPT-4o-mini

With the email data received, the next step is to summarize it using GPT-4o-mini. The summary will include key points, any actionable items, and recommended responses.

Prompt Configuration:

  • Role: GPT-4o-mini acts as an “email summary master.”
  • Prompt: Ask GPT-4o-mini to provide a plain text summary with no HTML or Markdown, highlighting the most important aspects.

Step 5: Appending Summaries to Google Docs

Finally, append the summarized email content to your Google Doc. Each entry will include the email subject, date received, summary date, and the generated summary, neatly formatted for easy reference.

Google Docs Setup:

  • Document Selection: Choose the Google Doc created earlier.
  • Formatting: Add section headers, new lines between entries, and format dates consistently.

Testing and Final Adjustments

Once everything is set up, test the automation by sending a test email to your inbox. Verify that the system processes the email in real-time, generates a summary, and appends it to the Google Doc. If it all works smoothly, your automation is ready to go.

Extend and Customize

Today’s homework is to think about how you can expand this automation for your specific needs. Maybe you want to filter emails based on specific criteria, integrate the data into a CRM, or automate responses. The possibilities are vast, and this setup gives you a solid foundation to build on.

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That’s it for Day 4 of our automation journey. We’ve created a robust email summarization tool that works in real-time, saving you time and effort. I hope you found this tutorial useful, and I look forward to continuing our journey together on Day 5. Don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel for more automation insights and tutorials.

#Automation #AI #EmailManagement #Webhooks #Productivity