Day 5 of 14 Days of Automation: Automate Your Review Sentiment Analysis

In today’s data-driven business landscape, understanding customer sentiment is crucial. But manually analyzing countless reviews can be overwhelming and time-consuming. What if you could automate this process, gaining instant insights into customer feedback? Today, I’ll show you how to do just that using AI and no-code tools.

Before we dive in, I invite you to join our AI Automation Elite community at There, you’ll find all the resources, code, and blueprints needed to master this automation and many others. Plus, you’ll connect with like-minded innovators who are transforming their businesses through AI.

The Power of Automation

Automation is revolutionizing the way we work. By leveraging tools like AI and no-code platforms, we can:

  • Save time: Automate repetitive tasks and focus on high-value activities.
  • Increase accuracy: Reduce human error in data processing and analysis.
  • Scale operations: Handle large volumes of data without increasing manpower.
  • Gain real-time insights: Get immediate results to inform decision-making.
  • Improve customer experiences: Respond faster and more effectively to customer feedback.

With these benefits in mind, let’s explore how we can automate review sentiment analysis.

The Objective: Real-Time Review Sentiment Analysis

In this automation, we’ll create a system that monitors incoming reviews, sends them to ChatGPT for sentiment analysis, and updates the results in Airtable. What makes this automation particularly useful is its real-time capability — triggered instantly whenever you click a button, without any delays.

Here’s what we’ll cover today:

  1. Webhooks: Instantly trigger actions when new data arrives.
  2. ChatGPT: Generate sentiment analysis of incoming reviews.
  3. Airtable: Store and organize reviews and their sentiment results.
  4. Make (formerly Integromat): Orchestrate the entire automation flow.

By the end of this guide, you’ll have a functional setup that could easily be adapted to various use cases — whether for product reviews, customer feedback, or social media comments.

Step 1: Setting Up the Airtable Base

We start by creating an Airtable base where all reviews and their sentiment analyses will be stored. This base will include key information like the review text, sentiment result, and a button to trigger the analysis.


  1. Create a new base in Airtable.
  2. Add a table named “Reviews”.
  3. Create fields for the review text, sentiment result, and a button field.
  4. Save the base. You don’t need to add any content yet; the automation will handle that.

Step 2: Setting Up the Webhook

Next, we set up a webhook that will receive data whenever the button in Airtable is clicked. This webhook is crucial because it allows for real-time processing without the delay that typically comes with scheduled triggers.

Key Steps:

  1. Create a Webhook: In, choose a custom webhook as your trigger. Name it something like “Review Sentiment Webhook”.
  2. Configure the Webhook URL: This URL will be where Airtable posts the review data.
  3. Set Up the HTTP Request: After receiving the data, the webhook triggers an HTTP request to send the review data to ChatGPT.

Step 3: Configuring Airtable for Instant Triggers

Now, we need to set up Airtable to send review data to our webhook as soon as the button is clicked.


  1. Connect Airtable: Ensure your Airtable account is connected to
  2. Set the Trigger: Use the formula field to create a button that triggers the webhook.
  3. HTTP Request: Use the webhook URL in the button formula to post the review data to the webhook.

Step 4: Analyzing Sentiment with ChatGPT

Once the webhook receives the review data, we send it to ChatGPT to generate a sentiment analysis. The analysis will classify the review as positive, neutral, or negative.

Prompt Configuration:

  1. Role: Set ChatGPT as a “sentiment analysis expert”.
  2. Prompt Details: Ask ChatGPT to analyze the sentiment of the review and classify it into one of three categories: positive, neutral, or negative.

Step 5: Updating Airtable with Sentiment Results

Finally, we update the Airtable record with the generated sentiment analysis. Each review entry will include the original text and the sentiment classification.

Airtable Setup:

  1. Record Selection: Choose the Airtable record that triggered the analysis.
  2. Updating: Add the sentiment result to the appropriate field in the record.

Testing and Final Adjustments

With everything set up, it’s time to test the automation. Add a test review to your Airtable base, click the trigger button, and watch as the system processes it in real time, generates a sentiment analysis, and updates the record. If anything doesn’t work as expected, review the connections and settings to identify any issues.

Extend and Customize

Your homework today is to consider how this automation can be adapted to your unique needs. You might filter reviews based on specific criteria, integrate with other services, or add more complex data processing steps. The possibilities are endless, and I encourage you to find a use case that simplifies your workflow.


That wraps up our guide on automating review sentiment analysis. We’ve built a powerful tool that can save you hours of manual work and provide instant insights into customer sentiment. I hope you found this tutorial helpful, and I’m excited to see what you’ll create with these new skills.

Remember, automation is not just about efficiency—it’s about transformation. By embracing these tools and techniques, you’re positioning yourself at the forefront of the AI-driven future of work. You’re not just saving time; you’re unlocking new possibilities for growth, innovation, and success in your business or career.

So, take this knowledge, apply it to your unique challenges, and watch as automation revolutionizes the way you work. The future is automated, and now you have the tools to be a part of it.

Automation #AI #SentimentAnalysis #Airtable #Productivity