How to Create, Save, and Organize Scenarios

Unlock the Power of Your First Automation Scenario Awaits!

Ever wanted to simplify your workflow while staying organized? Dive into the world of automation with! This tutorial by Make Academy is your ultimate guide to creating your first automation scenario seamlessly. Check out the video here!

Why Automation is the Future

Automation isn’t just a trend—it’s a game-changer! But with so many platforms available, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. You might ask: “Where do I even begin?” Enter This tool not only simplifies the automation process but also helps you stay organized. In this blog post, we’ll break down how to create, name, and effectively manage your first scenario on by following a step-by-step tutorial. Ready? Let’s go!

Your Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Your First Scenario

Welcome to Make Academy with AI Automation Elite! In this video tutorial, you’ll learn the essentials of creating your first scenario on If you’ve been following along with our previous videos, you might already have the scenario editor open. If not, let’s start from the top!
  • Step 1: Log into and navigate to “Create a New Scenario” from the organization, team, or scenarios menu.
  • Step 2: Once in the scenario editor, hover over the “New Scenario” text in the top left corner. Delete the default title and rename your scenario to “Make Foundation Use Case”.

Your First App Integration: Get Current Weather

Now that your scenario is aptly named, it’s time to add functionality! In this part, we’ll integrate the Weather app, which adds a practical touch to your scenario.
  1. Click the plus (+) button to add an app.
  2. Type Weather in the search box and select the Weather app from the displayed options.
  3. Choose the “Get Current Weather” action module.
  4. Enter a city of your choice in the location field. (Note: A general functions window may pop up, but ignore it for now; we’ll cover that in a future video!)
If you haven’t renamed your scenario yet, it might revert to a default name like “Integration Weather.” Don’t worry—just rename it back to “Make Foundation Use Case” for clarity.

Save Your Changes!

It’s crucial to save your hard work. To ensure you don’t lose any important updates, hit “Save Changes” or click the save icon at the bottom of the scenario builder. This step is vital in maintaining your workflow and avoiding headaches later!

Organizing Your Scenarios Like a Pro

Organization is key in any automation process. To keep your projects tidy, allows you to categorize your scenarios. Follow these simple steps:
  • Click on “Scenarios” in the left menu to view your newly created scenario.
  • Below the scenario name, you’ll notice various icons—understanding these can help you optimize your workflow!
  • Next, create a folder! Click the plus sign (+) below the search bar and choose a name like “Make Academy.”
  • Move your “Make Foundation Use Case” scenario into the new folder by selecting it from the dropdown and clicking on “Move.”
Now, whenever you click the “Make Academy” folder, your scenario is readily available, making future access a breeze!

What’s Next?

Congratulations! You now know how to create, rename, save, and organize your scenarios on If you’re ready to take your knowledge further, stay tuned for more tutorials coming your way. We’ll delve deeper into app functionalities and explore different modules in detail. Trust us—you won’t want to miss out!

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